Au noir, à la chaîne et Pénélope

  • Workshop cycles


Professional dress, positions © Stimultania and 12 young people, IME Le Parc Révollier, Saint-Étienne 2017

Photographs and texts produced by Aurore, Amélie, Anthony, Bilel, Christophe, Gauthier, Isaïa, Imran, Kader, Laura, Océane, Thomas.

Cycle of artistic workshops designed by

Intervention conducted over 30 hours from January to March 2017.

Restitution on March 13, 2017 at IRMACC, Saint-Étienne (42).

À Le Parc Révollier Medico-Educational Institute, Saint-Étienne (42).

With Charlotte Abid-Lafay, specialized professor.

Support by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region within the framework of the Découverte Région, Passeurs de culture call for projects.

Work. Work, work, work. Omnipresence of a word. At school, on TV, at home, on the street. A word that takes up all of life, all of space.

So take the time to observe it and play with it. Chew work, night shift, teamwork. Challenge codes, representations. The work of an ant, of Penelope, of Sisyphus or of Roman. Confuse the senses, put it upside down. Assembly line work, overalls, moonlighting.

Take up quarters in the training workshops, this almost professional space. Integrate your body, for new positions and new outfits. Invoke powers, mysterious and poetic.

Experiment with photography through different techniques, film and digital. Alternate framed exercises with more free exercises, group or individual exercises. Make an abundant artistic material for the exhibition.

To the future, print 90 x 120 cm