Givors is an island, the continuation

  • Off-site practice workshops


Photographs taken by students of the art + option

Cycle of artistic workshops designed and led by Stimultania.

Workshops conducted on 20 p.m. from January to March 2022.

With Angélique Perrozzi, visual arts teacher.

To college Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, Givors.

Supported by the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region as part of the program Here it is Givors worn by Stimultania in 2022

Stimultania proposed to a group of college students to discover the work Givors is an island, produced by photographer Léonie Pondevie, the result of her creative residency in Givors in 2021. The artist went to meet the city's various waterways, their human and animal users, their infrastructures, but also their atmospheres, their vegetation, their lights. She has drawn up an original, romantic and pictorial picture of it, leading the viewer into a contemplative and questioning state.

Inspired by the project and this idea that Givors is an island, the workshop was structured around three sets: the river and its creatures / water stories and treasure hunt / explorations and staging.

Several sessions, inside the college to experiment with various photographic techniques, such as lightpainting, and outside, exploration of the banks of the river, to end up with a set of images and words that question, as the artist was able to doing it in his project, the names of things and appearances, the poetry that is lodged everywhere, the links between waterways and the city, between waterways and humans, time, movement, dream, the trace.

The production is returned to the college at the end of the school year.