The click words

Which look is to be taken on an image? Art, press or advertising photography. Printed, displayed, projected. How to talk about it? How to analyze its construction and its address? THE CLICK WORDS game was created by Stimultania to question the viewer. Either way it enables to observe, interpret, to get vocabulary and is a civic reflection tool.

Composed of 94 illustrated word cards, THE CLICK WORDS supports players in developing a photographic criticism, from observing its form to the photographer's artistic commitments. It gives a space for free speech and listening to each other's point of view. THE CLICK WORDS launches a special moment for exchanges, negotiations and assertiveness as part of a common project. This civic tool is commited to image criticism.

Discover the new LES MOTS DU CLIC game support on the theme of sport


In 2013, Stimultania created an innovative and unique educational tool: LES MOTS DU CLIC. It promotes media education, debate of ideas, speaking out and the development of critical thinking.

LES MOTS DU CLIC responds to a problem common to educational and cultural environments (...)


Context of use

The game is used in educational, cultural, hospital and prison environments, in reception and support structures for non-speaking people, new arrivals or refugees, in the family context, etc.

How to play ?

LES MOTS DU CLIC is played between 2 and 7 participants, accompanied or not by a mediator, around a photograph taken from an exhibition, a book or the press. The players debate and argue to choose a word card per category. Once the 6 word cards have been selected, the players write together a critique of the chosen image.



LES MOSTS DU CLIC is an innovative educational tool that takes the form of a game. Here, there is no winner or loser, no right or wrong answer.

LES MOTS DU CLIC does not require any scholarly prerequisites and draws on everyone's references. It allows the player to nourish his cultural heritage, to broaden his point of view through contact with those of others.

LES MOTS DU CLIC offers a space, a time and a method to observe a photograph collectively, sharpen your eyes and acquire vocabulary. It is an image analysis tool that allows us to collectively address sensitive social issues in a secure framework.


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Xavier Gaschy, Professor of History of Arts at Koeberlé high school, Sélestat

The three levels represented at Lycée Koeberlé (Second, First, Terminale) have already benefited from this educational tool in the approach to the photographic medium. Everyone is fond of it and liked this educational approach, finding it of particular interest from the point of view of vocabulary and the finesse of the analysis that the game allows to achieve.
As a middle school visual arts teacher (Collège Molière de Colmar), I was also able to test this game with students at the Fourth and Third levels: the interest is also very strong there, particularly in the development of vocabulary and of the observation that a student can make of a photograph. It is interesting to measure the gap between an analysis made by the student before knowing the game and after having used it to evaluate the positive impact of this tool.

Xavier Gaschy, Professor of History of Arts at Koeberlé high school, Sélestat

Priscille Silva, Facilitator of writing workshops for adults, FLE trainer

Just like in society, living together is at PLAY in Les Mots du Clic. This educational tool for photographic image criticism encourages, in a fun way, argumentative speech at the heart of the citizen debate between spectators: it encourages people to take a step aside and (re)become the author of their thoughts. The whole point then lies in the confrontation of ideas and the acceptance of the other in decision-making. This game is a facilitator for audiences who do not, or rarely, speak (FLE audiences in particular).

Priscille Silva, Facilitator of writing workshops for adults, FLE trainer

Katia Boucetta, Family Social Economy Advisor at “Entraide Le Relais”

Using the tool allows players to take the time to engage with the image and thus share their impressions in a caring and protected environment. The game LES MOTS DU CLIC is the only game which, to my knowledge, allows you to work on soft skills (discussion, listening, debate, etc.) by mixing image analysis.

Katia Boucetta, Family Social Economy Advisor at “Entraide Le Relais”

Emmanuel Burlat, Departmental educational advisor in artistic education in the department of Isère

In the class, the children form small groups, each around a table. All eyes converge on a photograph that has just been placed there. We turn it around, we comment on it, a little absently. Disinterest threatens. Like all of us, these children are daily bombarded with images, images which often impose themselves on them, which disappear as they appeared, without the question of their understanding being able to be asked. But around this photograph placed on the table, the first cards of the LES MOTS DU CLIC game are spread out. We read them, we comment on them, we manipulate them. We argue, we get involved in the game. Over the course of the cards and the minutes, our perspective is renewed, enriched by that of others, and the dialogue has developed. On the table, the photography is no longer quite the same. Today we looked at a photograph. Really. And we can tell you about it!

Emmanuel Burlat, Departmental educational advisor in artistic education in the department of Isère

LES MOTS DU CLIC and its derivatives were designed and developed by Stimultania thanks to the Ministry of Culture (Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Grand Est), the General Commission for Territorial Equality, the General Delegation for the French Language and Languages ​​of France, the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg, the SNCF Foundation. The research and development phase of the Images et mots du travail educational kit was supported as part of the Images et mots: for innovative learning of French and towards integration into the world of work, co-financed by the Union. European within the framework of the FSE Alsace 2014/2020 operational program, by the Regional Directorate of Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity Grand Est within the framework of Program 104, as well as by the General Delegation for Language French and the languages ​​of France, as part of the 2021 national call for projects Cultural action and the French language. The Images and words of work educational kit is published thanks to the support of the Regional Directorate of Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity Grand Est and AG2R AGIRC-ARRCO.