A web series to support visual artists and authors in understanding their professional administrative procedures.
Co-produced by Maze and the National Center for Plastic Arts Creators: Mathilde Ehret-Zoghi and Léonie Young Text: Mathilde Ehret-Zoghi Graphic design: Léonie YOUNG Director: Armin Zoghi Sound design and mixing: Julien Puyau Voice: Grégory Buchert © Maze, in partnership with the Cnap.
Diagonal Network
A single network for multiple photography
The only organization in France bringing together structures that produce and distribute images, Diagonal has been promoting photography in its diversity for a decade.
A multiple network for a unique commitment
Drawing on the experience of its members, established throughout the territory, Diagonal is committed alongside artists and photography professionals and makes artistic and cultural education its priority.
1re society of authors in the visual arts
Saif is a collective copyright management organization. Created in 1999, born of the will of authors wishing to collectively defend their rights, Saif is a civil society whose mission is to defend, collect and distribute the rights of authors of the visual arts. It collects so-called collective rights on behalf of its authors (private copying, reprography rights, library lending rights and cable television rights) and also intervenes in the management of other copyrights (audiovisual rights, Internet rights, resale, right of reproduction and right of public presentation). Today, it represents more than 8 authors from all the visual arts: architects, designers, photographers, draughtsmen, illustrators, graphic designers, painters, visual artists, sculptors, etc.