Stimultania receives the support of the Ministry of Culture (Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Grand Est and Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes), the Ministry of the City, the Regional Directorate of the Economy, Employment, of work and solidarity of the Grand Est, the Grand Est Region and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, the European Community of Alsace, the City and Eurometropole of Strasbourg, the Metropolis of Lyon and the city of Givors.
Stimultania intervenes as part of Strasbourg UNESCO World Book Capital 2024.
Stimultania's actions are supported by its patrons, Marci & Martin Karplus Family Foundation (co-recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) and the Un olivier dans lesétoiles lodge.
Stimultania has been supported in recent years by the Fondation de France, the 3F and Opac 38 groups, SAIF and Copie Privée, Vinci facilities and AG2R AGIRC-ARRCO.
LES MOTS DU CLIC and its derivatives were designed and developed by Stimultania thanks to the Ministry of Culture (Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Grand Est), the General Commission for Territorial Equality, the General Delegation for the French Language and Languages of France, the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg, the SNCF Foundation. The research and development phase of the Images et mots du travail educational kit was supported as part of the Images et mots: for innovative learning of French and towards integration into the world of work, co-financed by the Union. European within the framework of the FSE Alsace 2014/2020 operational program, by the Regional Directorate of Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity Grand Est within the framework of Program 104, as well as by the General Delegation for Language French and the languages of France, as part of the 2021 national call for projects Cultural action and the French language. The Images and words of work educational kit is published thanks to the support of the Regional Directorate of Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity Grand Est and AG2R AGIRC-ARRCO.

A founding member of the Diagonal photographic network and of the contemporary art network of Alsace Versant Est, which became Plan d'Est, Stimultania is at the heart of national and local cultural networks. Stimultania works in synergy with cultural structures in order to carry out common actions, develop large-scale projects, set up times for reflection and exchange, stimulate cultural actors and strengthen the place of photography in the cultural environment.
Stimultania is a member of the networks Diagonal, Eastern plan, Arts in Residence, Early or art et Traces.
Stimultania is a signatory of the Charter of good practices in visual arts in the Grand Est.