Tous n'ont pas fait les mêmes voyages


© Benoit de Carpentier

Closed format: 23 28,6 cm x cm
63 pages
200 products
Graphics: La Bonne Adresse
Impression :
Publication date: April 2019
Ed. : Stimultania

Marine Lanier, the collective La Bonne Adresse (Alex Viougeas, Marlène Scharr), twelve men in detention and seven relatives of detainees.
Saint-Quentin-Fallavier prison center (38), from July 2018 to January 2019.

Partners: Penitentiary Integration and Probation Service of the Saint-Quentin-Fallavier penitentiary center, Sodexo team from the family center, Totem association.

Support: DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, SPIP of the Saint-Quentin-Fallavier prison as part of the Culture / Justice and Foundation of France program as part of the Weaving Initiative call for projects.

Continuing its work in prisons, Stimultania set up in 2018 a intervention with a unique configuration : the invited artists will create a collective work with men in detention but also with relatives of detainees. An openness to those who are affected by the situation and who are never heard or very little. Marine Lanier, photographer, and La Bonne Adresse (Alex Viougeas and Marlène Scharr) graphic designers, worked with the participants on a multidisciplinary proposal, around the notions of clan, new land, language and code.

Inside this edition, the clichés of the territory developed at the family house intersect with the shots of these masked souls, with the indecipherable ideograms of the mysterious language and the graphic creations of the clan. All are intertwined in a temporality and a deliberately mixed geography, which confuse anyone who is not part of this family. What was created in detention? What was invented outside? These two worlds are no longer distinguishable; they give way here to a third world, which will exist as long as the book circulates.

Photographs taken by Benoît de Carpentier.

“We trace the deserts, the long walks in the sand, the stifling heat, the endless fever that you take with you, the yellow storms that inhabit the body. Outside, the sun burns our eyelids, our eyelashes, our pupils. We dream of walking in the heart of a forest - to feel the moss under our feet - the rain coming down on our clothes. Other inhabitants entered the enclosure. Our clan does not have a leader. We are in turn. On our shoulders, animal skins, animal masks, owl eyes. ”  

Marine Lanier, extract from the text Tous n'ont pas fait les mêmes voyages