In praesentia


© Stimultania

17 poster-booklets
Unfolded format: 21x29,7 cm
50 products
Graphics: Mélanie Avanzato
Publication: June 2017
Ed. : Stimultania

Melania Avanzato and 18 first Sciences and Technologies of Industry and Sustainable Development
Lycée L'oiselet, Bourguoin-Jallieu (38), May-June 2017.

with: Hélène Bruneau, librarian professor and Véronique Salvetat, French professor

Support: DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region as part of the Discovery Region Passeurs de Culture call for projects.

The students of the STI2D section of the Lycée l'Oiselet design and manufacture objects linked to sustainable development. Useful objects, manual and practical work, a careful and scientific approach.

The first class is invited to approach the object differently, through photography and creation. Take a small step aside. To extract its poetic essence, its aesthetic reality, its weight of memory.