From singular to collective

Vanessa Chambard and 32 seconds bac pro commerce


30/11 - 10/12/2015


From singular to collective © Vanessa Chambard and 32 seconds pro commerce bac

Photographs and texts produced by the 32 students of second bac pro commerce.

Artistic intention thought and led by Vanessa Chambard, photographer.

Creation time conducted on 20 hours spread over 5 days, in December 2015.

With Mesdames Petit-Didier and Mounier, French teachers.

Au Marie River vocational school, Bourg-St-Andéol (07).

Intervention carried by Stimultania Photography center.

Support by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region as part of the Discovery Region Passeurs de culture call for projects.

The selfie is not only a matter of ego-trip, it can also convey a message. To take a position in front of the world by using your body is perhaps to engage even more.

Vanessa Chambard invites the students to reflect on this notion of collective, commitment and self-portrait. The exercise is not easy, at first, for these 32 seconds in pro commerce bac. The class is confused and unsettling; the personalities of some take up a lot of space. You have to learn to “tame”, to let go, to trust. And to work together.

Finally, revolts and commitments emerge: from the overpriced iPhone to the refusal of amalgamations, from virtual harassment to long hours of lessons, the series produced is heterogeneous, revealing. Each group controls the image produced, from the design of the sets to the shooting triggered remotely using the device's remote control.

The result is a series of posters, leaflets and stickers that will be glued and distributed during a bubbling afternoon, within and around the school.

Vanessa Chambard was born in 1984 and lives in Ardèche. After a course at the Gobelins school in Paris and a rather technical apprenticeship, she decides to find the air of the countryside and continue in a freer and more engaged photography. She works for the press (Le Monde, Liberation, A / R Magazine Voyageur ..) and was awarded the Kodak talent grant. She won the Liberation-APAJ prize with her series “Men under the clouds” on New Zealand. She exhibits in France in several galleries (L'Imagerie in Lannion, the National Library of France, La Chambre in Strasbourg) and during festivals (Rencontres Internationales de la Jeune Photographie in Niort, Boutographies in Montpellier…). She works in schools, especially for a light writing project.