Completed printing in May 2023

Printed in 70 copies by Newspaper Club on 55gsm improved newsprint paper

Publications in consultation at Stimultania Strasbourg and Givors


Photographs taken by Bruno, Céline, Delphine, Jean-Louis, Lionel, Mustapha, Mohamed, Nora, René, Sandrine, Youssef, Zaia, Zidane in Givors. Bernard, Camille, Caroline, Cathy, Eloa, Jonathan, Julia, Julien, Laurent, Nacir, Odile, Salia, Sofiene, Sonia, Stéphane, Stéphanie, Taouria, Vincent in Strasbourg.

Artistic intention thought and carried out by: Dorian Teti


Collective work carried by Stimultania.

Support by the Ministry of Culture as part of the system Between images, a national program of photographic and transmission workshops developed by the Diagonal network and by the town of Givors.

An edition in the form of a newspaper, the final object of the artist-public creation between the photographer Dorian Teti and the members of the Mutual Aid Groups of Strasbourg and Givors. “Capharnaum” is a limitless exploration of the representations of the object and its stories.