“Because deep down everyone loves Johnny”

Yann Datessen and 7 inhabitants of the ADOMA boarding house


07/07 - 13/07/2023


Photographs taken by  Sonia, Hubert, Jean-Luc, Nathalie, Jean-Marc, André and Pascal

Artistic intention thought and carried out by Yann Datessen

To discover Interior(s)

Creation time led over one week, from July 07 to 13, 2023 in Strasbourg.

With Nourredine Kadri and Katalin Mohacsi, social workers

Production : 10 prints (COREP)

Restitution : exhibition in the premises of the boarding house

Intervention worn by Stimultania

Support by ADOMA – CDC Habitat and the European Community of Alsace

Stimultania and the guesthouse thanks the Olympe de Gouges media library and more particularly Emmanuel Bodein and Anne Didierjean for the loan of a room for three afternoons.

When Yann Datessen left the boarding house following the creation of artist/public Interior(s)) conducted in April 2022, we immediately asked ourselves; “How about we start again? ".

But which angle should you choose? What next to imagine? The photographer suggests a project inspired by his personal practice and his work around still lifes. The participants will each bring objects evoking their journey, their multiple stories, sometimes painful, always full of twists and turns and together, we will compose.

The appointment is made for the second week of July 2023. First, there is the joy of reunion, laughter bursts out, everyone rooms nicely, we chat with the new ones, those who had not participated. last year and who are here this Monday morning around the coffee prepared by Hubert.

Despite the confidence, it's difficult to start telling stories, difficult to find ideas. So Yann Datessen goes into the rooms, collects the objects, listens to the stories.

The week is organized around these discussions. In the morning, we talk, we tell stories. In the afternoon, the volunteers go with Yann to the media library for photos. The light is beautiful at Olympe de Gouges. We set up a studio, we spread the fabric backgrounds, the elements brought by the residents on several tables and we turn around the objects. The stories take shape from bones recovered from the butcher, a respirator, a figurine of Johnny Hallyday: “Because deep down everyone loves Johnny”.

And then, when Yann left again, we asked ourselves: “What if we started again? »

– a time of creation recounted by the mediator Maïté Smerz

photos © Yann Datessen and the residents of the guesthouse

The images produced are presented in the residents' common room in October as part of boarding house week.