Bla bla bla

Joseph Gallix and 81 CP pupils, CE1 and CM1


11/03 - 15/03/2019

Villette d'Anthon

Photographs and texts produced by 81 students from three classes (CP-CE1, CE1 and CM1).

Artistic intention thought and led by Joseph Gallix, photographer.

Creation time conducted over a week in March 2019.

with: Marlène Mosquera, director, Pierre Fourchet and Carine Frecon-Sadouki, school teachers.

À the school of Villette d'Anthon (38).

Intervention carried by Stimultania Photography center in partnership with DSDEN Isère.

Support by the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Villette d'Anthon school.

Starting from a set of personal archival photographs found in his father's belongings, Joseph Gallix suggested that the children revisit the images, extend them, invent new ones by following the thread that has been drawn.

Combining the current preoccupations of the artist and the imagination of children, Bla bla bla is a collection of photographs, combining archives and children's shots, but also words written following the staging. Poetry infiltrates this sometimes pragmatic whole (an egg that is cooked in the dish, a child's play in the yard, a fisherman who brings back his loot) sometimes mysterious or engaged.

Each small group created in the classes will have contributed its part to the whole, laid out by Joseph Gallix in a book.

Production: 150 x 210 mm format book, 60 pages, published in 150 copies, distributed to students and partners, available for consultation at Stimultania Strasbourg and Givors.

Joseph Gallix born in 1991, lives in Brittany. Author photographer trained at the Cantonal Art School of Lausanne, he develops a committed and sensitive work, between documentary and plastic work. Resolutely turned towards the human being, of which he is the discreet observer but full of empathy, Joseph Gallix questions the absence and the loss - of a being, of a home, of a job. No excessive dramaturgy, his approach is gentle and lingers on what lives, what struggles. Nature abounds around Robert who lost Denis (series Darling Darling); smiles on the faces of those who survive in abandoned allotment garden huts (Leman cloudy); Goodyear workers in Amiens who struggle, and live and laugh as their jobs are in jeopardy (The continuous fight).